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[Pictured: Flynn's Aura - Black Junior Doe - BOS and Best Black at 2017 ARBA Convention]


Flynn's Aura (Black Junior Doe) BOSV Black and 1st Place Junior Buck - Flynn's Afire Love

2nd Place Black Junior Buck - Flynn's Gold Rush 1st Place Senior Doe - Flynn's Ibiza

I have not had an opportunity to closely look though show results, but I had a few other top ten placings as well. As someone who focuses on blacks, winning BOV and BOSV black at Convention is a proud moment. Also, winning these three classes was a big personal accomplishment for me because they were the only classes I had show prime rabbits entered in. I had a handful of brood/unfinished animals entered in other classes because they had been brought to sell. Big thanks to the Hoosier Rabbit & Cavy Club for hosting Convention. This was hands down one of the best quality Conventions I have ever been to. While I may seem biased because I am from Indiana, I actually really love traveling to different locations for Convention. From the live stream of Best in Show judging to the excellent showroom ventilation, everything was fantastic.

Thank you also to everyone in the Tan breed who made the show run smoothly -- whether it was ramrodding, running rabbits, writing or staffing the club booth.

[Pictured (L-R): Flynn's Roar, Flynn's Reputation, Flynn's LWYMMD and Flynn's Gold Rush] Last weekend was the ISRBA State Convention. It was my second show of the year and actually only my second show since the ARBA Convention last fall. We had around 50 Tans in all four open shows. In the specialty shows our black junior classes ranged from 14-16 animals per class both days. When you look at the show results below, please don't think that judging was inconsistent. There was a different mix of animals in all of the shows. ISRBA Show A: Judged by Josh Humphries BOB - Flynn's Not Today Kanye - Black Junior Doe BOS - Flynn's Superstar - Black Junior Buck ISRBA Show B: Judged by Todd Naragon BOB - Flynn's Not Today Kanye - Black Junior Doe BOS - Flynn's Reputation - Black Junior Buck Tan Specialty Show A: Judged by Danny Long BOB - Flynn's Gold Rush - Black Junior Buck BOS - Flynn's Roar - Black Junior Doe Tan Specialty Show B: Judged by LeAnn McKinney BOB - Flynn's Aura - Black Junior Doe BOS - Flynn's Heartthrob - Black Junior Buck A big thank you to Becky Stock, Rob Pape, Lee Nevills, Wendy Hansen, the Claar family and others for helping write, put animals on the table and most importantly -- hold them in the coops during judging.

Congratulations to Jimmy Phillips of Oregon on being selected by the judges for this year's contest. While fellow breeders select the winner, I always read through the entries as well just for fun. I was thrilled by the number of entries received and the time taken to put together responses. There were many deserving kids. I would like to encourage everyone to check back again next summer for next year's contest. The most rewarding thing about this contest is knowing that I have in some small way I have helped out someone else. I also love that every year at least one person tells me that they are going to start doing a similar contest in their breed. That is wonderful. Please do not hesitate to "copy" this idea.

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