Best of Breed Tan - Ohio Mini Convention
The Ohio Mini Convention was the first show I have attended as an exhibitor since the ARBA Convention last fall. The National Tan Show was held on Saturday and the OSRBA All Breed Show was held on Sunday. There was a beautiful array of Tans shown both days. I left this show feeling refreshed and inspired by the other wonderful breeders and animals I encountered.
OSRBA All Breed Show (Sunday):
Judged by Joel Marshall
Best of Breed - Black Junior Buck
Best Opposite - Black Senior Doe
1st Place Black Senior Buck
BOV Chocolate
BOSV Blue National Tan Show (Saturday):
Judged by Eric Stewart
1st Place Black Senior Doe
2nd Place Black Senior Buck
2nd Place Black Junior Buck
BOSV Lilac
Congrats to not just the winners this weekend, but to all of the exhibitors. Your contributions to the breed are important and significant. All of you are greatly appreciated for your help in furthering this breed we so love.
Last fall I was really junior heavy and weak on seniors. This spring I have had the opposite issue as I went through a dry spell with litters. I am happy to now have 7 litters of blacks in the nestbox, with many more on the way in the upcoming weeks. I am currently continuing to work on re-configuring my herd. This has been a long process and I am happy that my animals have continued to compete so well at the national level as over the past few years as I have worked on rebuilding. The work continues!